Sunday, February 8, 2009

Helena Monologue: Folio Version

Then I confesse
523: Here on my knee, before high heauen and you,
524: That before you, and next vnto high heauen, I loue your
525: Sonne:
526: My friends were poore but honest, so's my loue:
527: Be not offended, for it hurts not him
528: That he is lou'd of me; I follow him not
529: By any token of presumptuous suite,
530: Nor would I haue him, till I doe deserue him,
531: Yet neuer know how that desert should be:
532: I know I loue in vaine, striue against hope:
533: Yet in this captious, and intemible Siue.
534: I still poure in the waters of my loue
535: And lacke not to loose still; thus Indian like
536: Religious in mine error, I adore
537: The Sunne that lookes vpon his worshipper,
538: But knowes of him no more. My deerest Madam,
539: Let not your hate incounter with my loue,
540: For louing where you doe; but if your selfe,
541: Whose aged honor cites a vertuous youth,
542: Did euer, in so true a flame of liking,
543: Wish chastly, and loue dearely, that your Dian
544: Was both her selfe and loue, O then giue pittie
545: To her whose state is such, that cannot choose
546: But lend and giue where she is sure to loose;
547: That seekes not to finde that, her search implies,
548: But riddle like, liues sweetely where she dies.

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