The first part of this book speaks about the generalities of managing a theatre company. For example, The
Why of the Theatre is a list of the most common reasons people become involved with the theatre; money, fame, service, fun. It also talks about what a mission statement is and how important (and necessary) that every company have one. It is also essential for each company to have the four basic elements for theatre and the performing arts:
- a performer to present or interpret
- some material in
- a place before
- an audience.
The hardest part about this first chapter was the massive list of various managerial positions within a theatre. I had no idea that there could be so many positions in a theatre company; especially considering that all of them deal with managing in some way. There are 59 specific jobs listed under such sections as Freelance Positions, Fundraising, Marketing and Income-Related, and Production and Operations. It's confusing to try and keep straight by itself, but it's nice to know where I can find the information easily if I ever need it again.
And, please, always remember that "making changes or corrections in how an organization is run, usually results in making someone unhappy." :)
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